Thursday, March 6, 2014

5 Reasons why Gas Fire Pits are Superior to Wood Burning Fire Pits

landscaping idea
We are all well aware of the danger that outdoor burning can pose to starting wildfires from ashes and sparks that shoot into the air causing damage to homes, businesses and the surrounding natural wildlife. This is the beginning of wildfire season and certain counties of states have placed restrictions on outdoor burning and fire pits, however we have 5 great reasons why propane and natural gas fire pits are safer, more economical and create less mess than wood burning fire pits.

1) Fire It Up! – Just turn on the gas, drop in the match or ignite with a lighter and viola, you have flames. Some fire pits even have an ignition system where you push a button and there you go, fire, fire, fire. Wood burning pits require kindling, or newspaper and take some time to stoke to get going.

2) Control – Wood burning fire pits can shoot sparks and ash into the air that can travel around your patio, near your home, into your yard, or worse yet, your neighbors lawn or home and worst of all, they can start wildfires if you live in a rural area. Gas and natural gas fire burning systems are controllable. You can adjust the gas to desired height, heat and even control the flame enough to cook on.

3) Clean-up – Or lack there of I should point out. Once you turn off the gas, the clean up is done with. No ash or soot to clean out and dispose of, and who likes cleaning up anyway?

4) Wood-free – There is no need to acquire, store and maintain wood for burning. No wood shed needed, no need to try and keep it dry. Did you know that when things get wet, they are hard to light on fire…..wet wood = no fire. P.s., spiders and snakes like wood piles, oh and wasps too!

5) Smoke-free – Most propane and natural gas fire pits put off very little smoke when burning which means you can enjoy your fire pit without inhaling excessive smoke. Also, your clothes won’t smell like you just went camping. Oh, and your neighbors might enjoy less smoke in their air too.

Bonus: Propane and natural gas fire burning systems tend to bypass most of the restrictions placed on outdoor burning because they are controlled and don’t throw ash and sparks into the air.

Okay, now that you have 5 valid reasons why gas fire pits are superior to wood burning fire pits, come check out to see how we can help you with your outdoor fire burning needs. In the meanwhile, check out our video on the crossfire burner we developed, and how it can help save you money while getting twice the flame of a conventional fire ring system.

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